

Marjorie Rae Page-McCoy
( June 21, 1943 - May 16, 2020 )

Marjorie R. Page-McCoy, age 76, of Lincolnton, was born on June 21, 1943, and left the world on May 16, 2020, surrounded by loving family after a long fight with illness.

Marge was from Highland Mills, New York, where she was born, spent a great deal of her life and will be laid to rest.  She was a friendly face at Citibank in her hometown of Central Valley, New York, throughout the 1970s and 80s.  She was predeceased by her husband, Glenn McCoy of Plantation, Florida, who passed in 2017 after a long illness, her grandson Charles F. Christian, III, three sisters and one brother. 

She is survived by her daughter, Ann Page Christian of Lincolnton, NC, and her son-in-law Kelly McCue as well as one granddaughter, Jacqueline Christiano, two great-grandchildren, Aristotle and Siddhartha Christiano, and many nieces and nephews. 

Marge was a fighter.  She beat cancer three times, single handedly cared for her ill husband for years due to distance, and told her family to the end that she was going to keep fighting.  She was loved dearly and will be greatly missed. 

Posted on 18 May 2020


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